Pastor’s Thoughts

Feb 27, 2025

Next week Wednesday we begin the season of Lent.. While Ash Wednesday is NOT a holiday of obligation, it marks the beginning of our Lenten journey. We will have Mass on Ash Wednesday at 6:30 pm . Please join us as we begin this most solemn season by marking ashes on our foreheads as a sign of our humility and dependence upon Jesus. Second, we will celebrate Stations of the Cross following every Saturday 4pm Mass and after every 11:30 am Mass on Sundays during Lent. This will hopefully make it more convenient for you to join us in this traditional Catholic Lenten devotion. Third, the traditional Polish devotion “Gorzkie Zale” will follow each of the 8:30 am Polish Masses on Sundays. Please join us for this beautiful reflection on the lamentations of Jesus Christ. Finally, I would like to review the church’s current Lenten observances and regulations of fasting and abstinence from meat products. There are two separate sets of regulations – one for fasting which means to refrain from eating food and abstinence which means refraining from meat products. Fasting is only mandatory on two days of the entire church year. First is Ash Wednesday and the second is Good Friday. Fasting is mandatory for those 19 years old up to and including those age 59. “When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one meal as well as two smaller meals that together are equal to a full meal.” (USCCB). Please note the exception from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Those that are excused from fasting and abstinence regardless of age would include the physically or mentally ill including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes . . . Those who are pregnant or nursing woman. In all cases, common sense should prevail…..” (USCCB) Abstinence from meat and meat products is required on every Friday in Lent for all Catholics 14 years old and up. May God continue to pour His blessings upon each of you and upon our great nation. Fr. Roach