This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. The very word means a ‘manifestation.’ The EPHIANY is the manifestation of a star that guided many to come and see the newborn King, the long awaited Savior foretold in the Old Testament. More specifically, it is a celebration of 3 “wise men” or better known as astrologers (star readers) who follow the epiphany of the star to seek what was there. What do we even know about these ‘Wise Men?’ Not much. No where in the Bible is the number 3 ever mentioned in terms of how many there really were. It’s assumed there were 3 only because 3 gifts are presented to the child Jesus (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The Eastern Syriac Church ascribes 12 wise men in their tradition of the Epiphany. We gave these 3 men names many years after the event. It was somewhere in the Western church during the Middle Ages that the 3 men were given the names, Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. Scripture scholars tell us that these wise men were probably priests of some Eastern pagan religion who consulted stars to read current and future events. Perhaps they were members or priests of a group called Zoroastrians. In any event, Herod employees these men to go and find out about this new born baby who the world was calling a King. He wanted them to utilize their ‘star reading’ abilities to go and find this Kingly Child and report back to him. Herod was skeptical, but quite nervous about this child. The child presented a threat to King Herod’s authority as an earthly king. Little did he realize, Jesus’ kingdom was not of this world. Recall the Scripture where it says, the wise men, after witnessing the new born King and having a living encounter with the Christ Child, returned home by another route/way. I couldn’t understand if they just lost their directions on how to get home or they were just confused out in the open fields. I know now they could never have returned home by the same way. For once you experience the invitation of Jesus in your life, your never return the same way again. Fr. Roach