Pastor’s Thoughts

Oct 3, 2024

Our festival was a great success this year. I want to personally thank everyone who volunteered to help make the day enjoyable and successful. We could not put on such an event without your help. THANK YOU. We are currently tallying up the profits against costs and will have a report for the bulletin shortly. I also want to congratulate the winners of our parish raffle. The top prize of $1,000.00 was won by Adam Stout. The secondplace winner of $600.00 was Nicholas Komorowski. Third place winner of $400.00 was Suzie Bianchini, forth place winning $300.00 was Kim Ackerman, and fifth place winning $200.00 was John Bidlencsik. Congratulations to all. Next week all the priests of the diocese will be attending a convocation with the bishop. Therefore, all weekday Masses next week have been cancelled. Please remind anyone you may know who attends weekday Masses about the cancellation. Please keep the priests of our diocese in your prayers as we face a challenging future staffing our parishes with so few vocations. I know, the Lord will see us through anything. Finally, I call your attention to the insert letter from our Bishop regarding the upcoming elections. It gives each of us time to pray, reflect, and to make the very best choice for our future, our and for the dignity and respect that each person deserveseven the unborn. Fr. Roach