Pastor’s Thoughts

Easter is so much more than eggs and egg hunts, rabbits and chicks, flowers and baskets, and yes even much more than chocolate! Oh, how our broken world needs Easter more than ever. So central to our faith is the Resurrection that St. Paul writes, “If Christ be not...

Pastor’s Thoughts

Holy Week celebrates some of the most dramatic liturgies of the entire Church. It all begins today, Palm Sunday. Jesus is welcomed by the crowds throwing branches as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem. Little do many know, He entered Jerusalem to die. His steps of hope...

Pastor’s Thoughts

One night in his 6th year of captivity, he had a dream to escape Ireland. He finally makes his move and escapes the prison and walks miles and miles to get to the coast and he hopped a boat back to Great Britain. Back in Great Britain, he spent some 15 years studying...

Pastor’s Thoughts

This Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Lent is traditionally called ‘Laetare Sunday.’ This marks the ‘mid point’ between the beginning of Lent and Easter Sunday. The word Laetare in Latin means Rejoice! It gets it’s name from the entrance antiphon for Mass from Isaiah 66:10...

Pastor’s Thoughts

This weekend the church celebrates the Scrutinies for those who will be admitted into the church at Easter in the RCIA process. The gospel for the scrutiny is the story about the woman at the well who meets Jesus. There has been much written about this passage and...

Pastor’s Thoughts

The painting of the Transfiguration is a rather large painting and has two sections an upper and a lower. The top section is all dazzling with bright white colors, splashing sky blue tones, and depicts Jesus suspended with His hands raised up being...