by Dan Fuerst | Oct 31, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
Americans have long been fascinated with public debates. Farmers stood in muddy fields for hours to hear Lincoln and Douglas dispute each other in the 1860 presidential runup. The televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960 fascinated the nation. These days,...
by Dan Fuerst | Oct 24, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
This Friday, November 1st, is the feast of All Saints. It IS a holy day of obligation. Catholics are required to attend Mass to celebrate and to honor all the church’s saints and martyrs (known and unknown). I like to think of All Saints as the Church’s Hall of Fame...
by Dan Fuerst | Oct 17, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
From a young age, I loved winning at sports. I confess that winning was a bit of an addiction. It was probably coming from a deep desire for attention and affirmation from others. Nevertheless, it was a driving motivation for me. Baseball, soccer, track, table tennis,...
by Dan Fuerst | Oct 10, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
This week we hear of the man who inquires of Jesus how to obtain eternal life. He rejects Jesus’ invitation to sell his goods, give to the poor, and follow Jesus. Mark tells us this devastatingly sad line, “At this saying, his countenance fell and he went away...
by Dan Fuerst | Oct 3, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
Our festival was a great success this year. I want to personally thank everyone who volunteered to help make the day enjoyable and successful. We could not put on such an event without your help. THANK YOU. We are currently tallying up the profits against costs and...
by Dan Fuerst | Sep 26, 2024 | Pastor's Thoughts
Maggots, grubs, worms. When I imagine one or many of these nasty slimy buggers living inside my body unseen, feeding off my flesh, slowly rotting me out I feel deeply disgusted. If I knew I had a worm, I would do anything to remove the alien invader, and fast. But...