Pastor’s Thoughts

One of the most touching YouTube videos I’ve ever seen is one in which a deaf woman receives new technology to heal her hearing. She hears her husband’s voice for the first time and her own, too and bursts into tears of overwhelming joy. It must have been like...

Pastor’s Thoughts

This weekend our country celebrates “Labor Day.” It is a strange celebration without a lot of ritual except for some we have created like picnics, parades, and barbecuing. The US Department of Labor Defines Labor Day as “a creation of the labor movement and is...

Pastor’s Thoughts

The famous Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky said, “Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing.” In the Gospel reading this week, Jesus does something harsh and dreadful he watches his own disciples abandon him. What could possibly be loving about that? Well, we...

Pastor’s Thoughts

A priest I know was asked by a doortodoor evangelist, “Do you believe in Jesus?” He answered, “Yes, I do. But if I may ask you,” he continued, “Where do you experience Jesus’ body and blood?” His interlocutor responded somewhat confusedly, “I don’t. I just believe in...

Pastor’s Thoughts

This Thursday, August 15, we celebrate the feast day of the Assumption Mary’s being assumed into heaven. We will celebrate the vigil Mass on Wednesday August 14th at 6:30 PM. On the Holy Day Thursday August 15th Mass will be at 6:30 PM. Addressing a jubilant crowd of...

Pastor’s Thoughts

I trust everyone was outraged at the presentation/parade in Olympics held in Paris making a mockery of the Last Supper they say it was not, most of us believe it was! My question is this: Why even chose a contradictory depiction of what they called a ‘myth’ story that...