Pastor’s Thoughts

Mar 6, 2025

Lent is a season of conversion: We acknowledge the ways we have turned away from God in our lives, and focus on turning our hearts and minds back toward God. Hence the three traditional pillars of turning back are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These observances help us turn away from whatever has distracted or derailed us so we may empty ourselves of pleasures and allow Jesus to fill what is lacking. When we empty our often insatiable appetites for food, pleasure, and turn back to God it makes more room for Him and less of us. Please consider some of the following ideas for Lent this year. PRAYER – Consider attending stations of the cross this Lent each Friday. We pray the stations after the 4 pm Saturday Mass and the 1130 am Sunday Mass. How about attending one extra Mass each week. You could attend our Monday Novena to the Miraculous Medal as we pray for an end to abortion, world peace, and an end all wars and violence. At home you could gather as a family to pray each day. You could use the booklets at the church entrances, traditional prayers, or the Scriptures to help facilitate prayer in your family gatherings. FASTING—Giving up something is a form of fasting. Maybe it is that extra cocktail each evening you could say no to. Curbing you appetite and not always giving in to what you want. Disciplining our will brings great strength to the soul. Does the internet pull you from good places to bad ones? Why not just give up ‘surfing’ on the net this Lent? Can you give up that craving for sweets, binge eating or eating even when you are not even hungry? ALMSGIVING – Consider making a conscious effort to give to your favorite charity, place a few extra dollars in the weekly collection, Try donating/working at a food pantry or shelter. How about offering services for an elderly neighbor or one who is shut inside. There are numerous opportunities to give alms to those in need either monetarily or just helping out. Whatever you choose to give up or take upon yourself, remember, it’s to rid ourselves of what we want so that He can supply all we that we need. Finally, the annual evening of confessions for every parish in the diocese is Wednesday March 19th. I will be in the confessional from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. We will have Mass at 6 pm then resume confessions until 7:30 pm. Fr. Roach
Fr. Roach